The TB Biosecurity TASAH Programme has two herd categories that are eligible to apply for this consult.

Please select the category that applies to your herd from A or B below.
a) Herds that have recently experienced a TB breakdown. These farmers will be invited to participate by the Department Veterinary Inspector (VI) during the epidemiology visit after a TB breakdown, please contact your VI to arrange a consult with your vet.
b) Herds that have not experienced a recent TB breakdown but have been contacted by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and invited (by letter and text message) to participate in the programme. These herds have been identified based on certain risk factors. If you have any queries on this category, please contact your local regional veterinary office to discuss further.

Farmer Details

Nominated PVP

Application Confirmation


By ticking the box below, I confirm the following:
1) Where the application is completed by a Veterinary Inspector or Herdowner, I confirm that herdowner has nominated the veterinary practitioner (TB TASAH-trained) named above to complete a TB Biosecurity visit to their farm delivered through the Targeted Advisory Service on Animal Health and funded through the Rural Development Programme (2014-2022).
2) I consent to the captured data being shared with Animal Health Ireland and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, for the purposes of managing the TB TASAH programme and my participation within it, providing farm management feedback, benchmarking and beyond the lifetime of the TASAH programme for scientific and research purposes.
3) Will provide the nominated veterinary practitioner with the information necessary to enable them to conduct the biosecurity visit. I consent to the sharing of my contact details with Animal Health Ireland for the purposes of completing administration around this review and management and evaluation of the TB TASAH training programme.
I am aware of my rights under the General Data Protection Regulations (available through the GDPR link on the AHI website homepage at