Please use the magnifying glass icons below to search for your Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI) Veterinary Registration Number (VRN) and to select the event you wish to attend. If you cannot find your Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI) Veterinary Registration Number (VRN) in the search box please contact AHI directly on (071) 9671928. If you previously completed BVD TASAH training you are already recognised as a trained PVP and therefore do not need to attend this training. To review training completed please log into your AHI Service Provider Portal Account here

By registering for this training course, you agree and consent to the following:

1) For AHI to retain your details on a securely held database for the purpose of communicating with you in relation to (and the operation of) this AHI programme (and required programme-related activities e.g. farm visits, laboratory testing). We may also notify you of related/subsequent training. We will retain your details for a period of no longer than the company/programme exists.
2) AHI may communicate your contact details (including through listing on the website) in order to allow programme participants (DAFM, farmers, ICBF and approved testing laboratories) to contact you in relation to programme activities.

Please note that you can be removed from this database at anytime by submitting your request in writing to us at or by post. AHI fully recognises and protects your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. We invite you to visit our website to read our Privacy Statement or for more information visit “”